Despite it being the most natural biological behavior, sex still seems to be taboo. The situation is maybe a bit more relaxed if it’s the guys talking, though.

On the other hand, most women are somehow shyer, and they think of porn as some shameful act of betrayal. Why would my boyfriend, for the name of God, watch that rubbish when he has me by his side?

I am here in flesh and blood, and that random, virtual, naked girl is just an actress on a screen. And, by the way, he will never even get an opportunity to meet her. This opinion on porn is the most prevalent one women have. Many girls find it offensive when men watch porn.

Still, a particular number of ladies watch adult movies themselves, and they see it as something entirely normal. Those girls are open-minded (thank God), and they support their guys, often even enjoying porn with them. They realize it is an excellent way to relax, learn something new, or simply to satisfy their needs.

Porn is undeniably part of the modern world, and there is nothing to be ashamed of if you enjoy it. But remember that we only talked about two different types of women so far? Well, there’s also a third one — the ones who don’t admit they watch porn and that they like it. The most common reasons for such secrecy are often religion, age, culture, or simply reputation.

It Is Not Just About the Explicit Content

There is something deeper to this “porn anxiety” than just the fact that the content is deemed inappropriate by many. As mentioned, some women see it as something vulgar, at times, even as cheating.

It doesn’t matter if the guy will never meet that person — these women see their guys watching porn as undeniable proof that they like another woman’s body and fantasize about her. Men will excuse themselves by saying something like “it is just a video” or “it is just for fun.” And to make things worse, some guys will even blame their partner for not being available to satisfy them as an excuse for resorting to porn.

On the flip side, many women support watching porn as they believe it allows people to educate themselves. Also, they view porn as a tool to help them identify their partners’ hidden desires better. In the end, there are two sides to this story, so there is really no right or wrong point of view.

Some Women Compare Themselves With the Stars

Oh, yes! Unfortunately, depending on the individual, this comparison could be beneficial or detrimental. You could pick up some useful tips and tricks and enhance your sex life by learning some of the “pro” moves, or it could negatively affect your self-esteem.

Unfortunately, the more frequent scenario is the second one. Even though it is a bizarre thought that a few images or a video could harm your love life, it happens. Those flawless porn stars feel practically unreachable in every sense to many women.

That leads to many women striving to achieve the same physical appearance, which you need a small fortune for. Their sexy bodies and tanned and well-sculpted figures aren’t a real threat, but they can still make a woman feel less special.

Even though the guys usually say that they would never marry that type of girl and would only ever consider being with her as a one-night stand, that fact alone still leaves a bitter taste in many women’s mouths. Often that might leave a girl feeling less attractive and demoralized.

Porn Is Used to Improve Relationship

This sentence sounds like something a guy would say, but it’s true! There are indeed ways porn can improve your relationship, so bear with us!

If you are looking to spice up your sex life, porn can give you plenty of fresh ideas, such as many new sex positions, a lot of kinky roleplay scenarios, or sexy dress-up ideas. Also, if your love life gets into some apathetic mood, then you might just pick up a few new tricks that could rekindle that flame.

Now, you have to admit that watching some porn videos sounds much more reasonable than taking real-life how-to-satisfy-your-partner classes. This activity can be particularly interesting if the couple is open-minded. Through porn, they can improve their communication and learn to understand each others’ needs and bodies better. If one of them is maybe shy to say what would please them, then watching some specific porn scenes could easily give their partner clues on what turns them on.

Voila! Those are the brighter sides of watching porn.

The Views of Women on Porn Vary

As we’ve already touched upon this earlier, we can differentiate three views women often have on porn.

Some ladies accept it as a part of the modern world. If something can help and improve your sex life, then what’s the harm in it? If both you and your partner would enjoy consuming porn, go for it!

However, some women think porn is something bad. When I say bad, I mean because of their religious beliefs. Namely, religion had a negative view on sex for centuries, deeming it as impure and sinful. Two additional factors would be the differences in cultures and societies. In many conservative cultures, sex was infrequently talked about and was often seen as taboo. And if it is not popular with the neighbors, why would these women give them fuel for rumors?

Last but not least is that group of women that watch porn but will never admit it. Reasons for that could be all of the above or that they merely don’t want to be looked down upon by their peers. However, they will keep it as their dirty little secret and enjoy watching it when no one’s around. Who knows — maybe that secrecy turns them on!

Top Porn Categories

Enjoying a variety of porn categories helps you discover what turns you on, explore your fetishes, or even reveal your kinkiest and darkest side of your sexual personality. You can implement these ideas and scenarios you get from porn videos with your partner.

There is a category for everyone! According to Pornhub, the top five categories of porn women watch are lesbian, gay (male), teen, for women, and ebony. I don’t want to sound biased or anything, but it doesn’t surprise me that the lesbian category is the most popular one. Even if you are part of that group that doesn’t want to admit they watch porn, lesbian sex tends to feel… less sinful. In our minds, at least.

Some of the other categories though… lean toward some secret desires.

Anyway, I believe that porn is the perfect first step toward learning more about your partner. Those categories could help you find common sexual interests and desires or merely working on your sex life. At the end of the day, there must be a compromise in both relationships and sex. So as long as both of you love, respect, and please each other, you’re going to have a thriving relationship, porn or not!

Author: blackrabbit798